~ End Not My Inner Swash Slush ~
Ms. Nivedita
3 August 2010
Facing infinite sky
Wreathing garland
On your seductress lap
For whom knows who?
Inebriating zephyr
Brings mellow music
So near next spree bilk
Gaga gala gaze why?
Mesmeric mudra
Is it fugacious virtual or
Redundant real unveil
Not why O’ You?
Twilight twinkling stars
Honeying candying me
Time to be in unison dialogue
Can’t listen O’ You?
Why swing my bosom
By your breezy glance
Those fluffy taps pat dab
Shudder my all being.
O’ Nimble spree your
Euphonic balletic fingers’
Wreathing garland
Bedecking billowing
Of seductress lap
Park in my tote trove
As lucullan opulent riches.
End Not My Inner Swash Slush.
Copyright reserved by author
That is a difficult proposition not to end slush slash. After all others ae human beings too, not slush machines, while God I think would refrain from doing so. but you can imagine as you wish.10
This style of writing reminds me of Dada. It differs from the predominant here, which definitely makes me happy. Congratulations!
embracing the infinite within.. lovely poem. Thanks for sharing!
a poem tuned entirely out from nexuses from inner rattling has to differ sincerely to share swelling - a happy exiled Publius Ovid Lee
Poetic Candy and Romantic Buxom Oozing romance with befitting imageries Such a romantic poem expresses Not to end 'Inner Swash Slush' Who'll do I'd say one is emotionally blunt May be blunt become sharp by such approach of romantic approach joyous poem indeed good write... 10+
It poetry of 6 stanzas....5 only poet questioned in various ways to get noticed of beloved '...Mesmeric mudra/Is it fugacious virtual or /Redundant real unveil Not why O’ You? ...' it is best expression of romantic question Finally poet nicely concluded '...Park in my tote trove/ As lucullan opulent riches. this word Lucullan is very aptly placed and added diamonded glitter gloss Great experience for me Thanks for sharing
O’ Nimble spree your Euphonic balletic fingers’ Wreathing garland 'Bedecking billowing Of seductress lap Park in my tote trove As lucullan opulent riches.' ~ It just for me a Poetic Genius Oozing Oohing me in allness me Embracing me in rapture Its just Romantic Painting with excellent expression by tool of vocab..biblio candy visual honeying Hats off to Poet for your imagination Regards
I should say fire-works of Romantic Imageres...sure who'll '...End Not My Inner Swash Slush.'? Especially when call with passionate lines ~ O’ Nimble spree your Euphonic balletic fingers’ Wreathing garland Bedecking billowing Of seductress lap Park in my tote trove As lucullan opulent riches. Such romantic poems you've written but to me this is one of the matchlessness 10+++ Of seductress lap Park in my tote trove As lucullan opulent riches.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Such a masterpiece, I loved your word choice, your tone, the refrains, simply everything, you are a great poet