End Of Old Year And Beginning Of New Year Thinking! Poem by Ramesh T A

End Of Old Year And Beginning Of New Year Thinking!

All storms and rains making their contributions have gone away sure;
Balance of winter with mists, fogs and dew drops falling, days go on;
Closing time for the old year is nearing, all think of New Year now;
Day ending the year and day beginning New Year are well mused over!

Everyone is in holiday mood to go to places of interests in groups;
Full of fun and joy all want to enjoy with dear friends nowadays;
Groups try to go to holy shrines, tourist resorts and so on now;
High spirit reviving romantic mood among youths all plan new ideas!

Initiating best programmes to implement with joyful things all see of
Joining dear friends and well-wishers for a grand celebration sure;
Keeping in touch with previous fellows to form a better group this time,
Lovely persons are contacted with invitations to join for the celebration!

Morning and evening more than usual work, all think and make plans now;
New Year seems likely to bring new enthusiasm better than previous years;
Old and young with bright eyes wide open all dream of great fun this time;
Particularly at the end and beginning of the years such things come up!

Quite a joyful moments this time seem to be in store to put all in surprise;
Remembering best times spent earlier, this time they want still more better;
Sun shining bright clearing clouds and mists nowadays, it is pleasant now;
Thoughts, ideas, imaginations and dreams are full of novel things to see...!

Universe full of Stars twinkling, year end and beginning will see bonfires
Verily resembling the winking Stars above with all wondering like children,
When all see for the first time burning sparklers or pot fires burning high!

X and Y will not be exceptions, but one among the group to enjoy fun after
Years of monotony only seen in all things of life and so, nothing to say of
Zeal they are going to show more than who enjoyed such things before long!

Bernard F. Asuncion 19 December 2017

Ramesh, such a great abecedarian about new year👍👍👍

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Ramesh T A 19 December 2017

Thank you so much for your appreciation about my poem, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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