Evening: Orangeburg To Chaguanas To Accra (Diplomatic Isolation Progressive) Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Evening: Orangeburg To Chaguanas To Accra (Diplomatic Isolation Progressive)

raise the taxes in Orangeburg
which gives back interest and principal
landscaping architecturally a better than the last times
take that metro airline and connect it to Chaguanas
now you got the people of Trinidad and Tobago investing in Orangeburg
as well as the people of Orangeburg investing into Chaguanas
by participating in the vestige of the government bonds Trinidad and Tobago has to offer
enriching in two places
one city to another
take the airline to Accra, Ghana
now we got three major cities participating in a spiral investing strategy
cause those same Indigenous International Brokers make sure they are financial license certified via United States
to include Trinidad and Tobago
and Ghana
in order to sell and buy on the behalf for their investors
in person and via website trademark and registered
internationally patent in many ways too righ...

and since investing to the Municipality of all three increase taxes
which increase wealth by our own systems as tri-city indigenous sisters
we get tah actually pay our teachers better
and also increase the value of each currency
by introducing Microfinancing
and new inventions from new entrepreneurs
and now what's up to Orangeburg cause them engineers be over der on the real and Claflin University for being on top of the Information Technology programs must be a handshaking with the Nigerian inventor of the Internet and Supercomputer and professor with the indigenous professors over der too...
now the airlines get to be on the two stock market exchanges of Trinidad and Tobago including Ghana etc etc really
sow what should we do?
let the funk come on down righ...
we funking....

i would like to say what's up my people in Orangeburg and Chaguanas and big big big Accra! ! yeah....
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