Everyday Misery Poem by Marilyn Shepperson

Everyday Misery

Everyday it's the same old routine
You rise and go to work
Return home, go to bed
Living for the weekends, unless
You have to work them too
Trying to keep the bank off your back
And your creditors at bay for a bit longer
To maintain a reasonable roof over your head
Keep yourself and your family clothed and fed
Doing what repairs need to be done
To prevent the house from falling down
Somehow managing to find the odd pound or two
To do all that D.I.Y
Because the insurance company says
You don't meet with all their regulations
And thus, won't cough up the necessary
It becomes too expensive to live
Yet really and truly, you don't want to die
Well anyway, not just yet
Still in spite of all the doom and gloom
There comes an odd moment to brighten your life
And whatever it is, that does do this
It makes you grateful you are, in spite of everything
At that moment, still alive.

Vision Ghost 21 September 2006

I know a way to defeat this very systematic collapse of fighting away the boredom of daily challenges, each day as in each week as in each month of every year has a target, so instead of lving to each target, blend and mess them up in such a way as to always achieve and blur the difficulties. Works for me, anyway, thats a very true poem and a common frustration felt by millions I suspect.

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Brian Dorn 18 September 2006

Marilyn, soooo true... we live for those 'odd moments.' Well done! ! Brian

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Kelly Allen Vinal 18 September 2006

Very very true. Masterfully written, Marilyn

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