Feeling Inspired Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

Feeling Inspired

Rating: 5.0

I open the windows
To let the cool wind enter
And caress my face with
Its soothing touch
I feel inspired and
To face the day's ordeals
To remain busy doing good
I don't need much

I open the windows
To see the flowers bloom
Bees busy flitting around
Humming songs
It's enough for me
To get ready for work
To serve my nation and Him
To whom I do belong

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: inspire,morning
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 October 2019

When window is opened cool air enters into the room and motivates mind. Flowers bloom and beauty motivate mind. Wonderful imagery is drawn in this excellent poem shared.

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Anil Kumar Panda 17 October 2019

That is a very wonderful comment Sir. Feeling honored. Regards.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 16 October 2019

Getting inspired from nature and her colorful manifestations is simple yet most difficult thing. Thanks for sharing an inspirational melody that is motivational too.10 points.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 16 October 2019

Drawing inspiration from nature and her manifestations is the most simple yet natural thing. The great message is equally inspiring and motivational too. Thanks for sharing.10 points.

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Anil Kumar Panda 17 October 2019

You are right sir. Nature gives us so much to live the life in peace. Thanks very much and regards.

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