When what you know, no longer is
And what you once believed is in question
You go into a molten state
There is a new fire inside of you
To stir your very being
It will burn some of your old views and patterns,
Bring to light new and forgotten knowledge
That is often the same
New ideas spread like wildfire
There is an explosion of the mind
In the form of lava your mind rushes across low valleys and plains
Simultaneously rising like tons of gas and debris
To avoid this fate many would like to remain peaceful,
At rest, grateful for the knowledge they are keen to
And that is akin to them
And they its scholars and priests,
Children with like-minded faith
Wholly unaware and at the same time protecting themselves
With the knowledge they knew then,
Against what they have suspected or may already know now
Their fire is dim, if not already smoke and vapor
So that no fire can harm them
And their future generations get intoxicated by these same vapors
Blanketed in these fogs of smoke
Under mystery, in the dark of night even in daylight
Until one day a spark and then they too must choose
Between an explosion or to extinguish the flame
When the light has shined
A truth unveiled, or covered and hidden
Behind what is to be called mystery
Until their new being starts to solidify
And they once again become hardened
Very good poem, the core is true and I really enjoyed the message.
This poem has alot of depth, I enjoyed reading it very much. :)
Many may not know the depth of this great poem.To find light and ignite it once again as it was meant to be, is to find love and universal unity to help heal this damaged world...Great poem
it reminds me of my lines 'What we need melts us and what we get freezes us and in this process time molds us soo well.' keep writing darren grrt work....
Fire inside.. written with soo much curiosity...n what you once believe is in question grtttt.... a true human experience....'until their new being starts to solidify they once again became hardened..' sooo thoughtful and real...
abstract lines that invite the reader to deep thought..very well conceived poem....
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I've had experiences recently that relate to what you were saying in your poem although to be honest I have experiences like that everyday. It's great to read a poem I can finally relate to! I just have one question for you-I doon't know if you've ever taken drugs but do you think if your mind can reach a level that you wouldn't normally experience and you have a revelation-would you say it was false? Because I wonder, if you can remember it later (when sober) and you follow a path or belief-maybe about yourself or your life style due to the idea you have while intoxicated-does it count as a real truth or would you consider it false? I'd be interested to hear your opinion!