Fml Poem by Gary Hembree


Rating: 5.0

Today I woke up and ate my bowl of doubt.
I spiced it up with the tears from my eyes.
I drank my cup full of misery.
I added two doses of get the f*ck over it.
I went to the bathroom to freshen up my uglyness.
I made it better by breaking the mirror.
I put on a nice tuxedo to step outside.
Only to realize I had a bird sh*t on it.
I could only hope in anger that the day would get better.
But then I remembered I forgot my lunch.
I fixed that by crashing into a tree.
Thanks to the random dog who had to run into the street.
As I sat there in a daze.
I begin to wonder why I keep myself a live?
So I went home without another days of pay.
I sat to think it all over.
With my gun on the table.
I picked it up and held it to my forehead.
And just as I was about to pull the trigger.
My door bell rang with a surprise.
It was the girl scouts.
With cookies.
Finally I actually felt happy.
As I closed my door after my buy.
I felt like my day would brighten up.
Until I tripped over my shoe.
Hurdling the cookies into the air.
Which then smacked into the table.
In which I had put my gun.
As my eyes grew wide at this sight.
I realized I had left the safety off.
The gun hit the floor and went off.
Blowing a hole through my brain.
I couldnt say I didnt see this coming.
As I hit the floor with blood running.
My last and only thought was.
'I think those scouts short changed me.'

Monday, October 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: funny
Noreen Carden 09 November 2015

Well done Gary I agree with Kay enjoyed reading this

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Kay Staley 08 October 2015

Wow! Loved this poem by Gary. Definitely recommend reading this more than once. Feel the irony of it all? So usually I don't really like poems that don't rhyme as much...but this one had great language that kept your attention, with a very dramatic (but yet realistic) story line that made you wonder what was going to happy. I almost laughed at the end when the character died on accident. Its funny that this poem is written so perfectly that you kinda like the narrator, but at the same time you don't care at all when he dies. Regret would ruin this poem, so I am glad that there is none there. Also I appreciate the strong language, that I rarely see on this site...cuss words can be used very theatrically in the right places, and this poem is a good example of that. Very joyful read.

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