For The Moment Poem by Glen Kappy

For The Moment

Rating: 4.3

"Look at the birds..." Matt 6: 26

For the moment
sun sows gold
this early morning
late in February—

from the stucco
on the house
across the street—

shining though the curtains'
off-white fabric—
showing gray in silhouette
the winter roses right outside.

Exuberant birds—
their songs—their cheeping—
breech my walls
and my attention

and I wonder
can they sense or know
the forecast calls
for wind and rain—

a day to make us
seek for shelter—
huddle from
another onslaught?

But no holding back
their hearty singing—
no teaching them
about the Now.

Friday, February 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: birds,february,moment,rain,shine,singing,sun,wind,winter,bible
Christel Ponomareff 23 November 2019

We love you Glen, connect with us brother.505-301-6987

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Glen Kappy 24 November 2019

hey, christel! what a surprise to see your comment. thank you for it. hoping you and bill are well in all ways, glen

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Valsa George 03 March 2019

Thank God, winter is going to be over and the sun has started shedding golden beams! But the rain is likely to fall very soon and will again make the day colder! Unmindful of what will happen later, the birds sing in joy in the sunny morning! This beautiful poem gives the message that one should enjoy what is at hand and should not worry over what will happen next!

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Glen Kappy 04 March 2019

hey, valsa! thank you for reading and commenting on this poem. you've understood it perfectly. as it happens, it looks like spring has settled upon us here. we've had temperatures in the low 60s f for more than a week now. i've seen forsythia blooming, and outside our entry door the leaves of grape narcissus and tulips have shown themselves. be wonderfully blessed! -glen

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Laurie Van Der Hart 03 March 2019

A beautiful poem, Glen. Exuberant birds - they are so hardy, so constant, so ‘Carpus Deum’, aren’t they? Every morning I hear the doves outside, even through the winter, and it amazes me how they survive and still sing through the cold.

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Glen Kappy 03 March 2019

thank you, laurie. what would the world be like without bird song? —i don't want to find out. yes, it's amazing how birds survive and thrive. recently my wife and i were looking up the strategies, the adaptations, that help them do this. here's a wish and prayer for your thriving, glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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