Fragments,129 [cxxix] Poem by Fabrizio Frosini

Fragments,129 [cxxix]


Being too
For any appointment,
Remained constant for you
On all occasions.
Even at the one with
You arrived late.

This poem belongs in my book 'FRAMMENTI DI MEMORIA - Carmina et Fragmenta' ['FRAGMENTS OF MEMORY' - Amazon - © F.Frosini,2016]

Fragments,129 [cxxix]
This is a translation of the poem Frammenti,129 [cxxix] by Fabrizio Frosini
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fragment,late
This poem belongs in my book 'FRAMMENTI DI MEMORIA - Carmina et Fragmenta' ['FRAGMENTS OF MEMORY' - Amazon,2016]
Copyright © Fabrizio Frosini - All rights reserved
Daniel Brick 23 May 2016

I love that Etruscan or Greek pottery paininting - It's something of a fragment itself. This pattern of being late is not just about time. It relates to the larger issue of purpose in life. If life is a repetitive experience day day after day, the mind rebels to stall or even eliminate the meaninglessness of such a schedule.

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Fabrizio Frosini 24 May 2016

''This pattern of being late is not just about time. It relates to the larger issue of purpose in life'' - as it most often happens with you.. you're right :) it relates also to the concept - a 'subjective' one - of 'destiny'

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Kelly Kurt 21 April 2016

I am habitually early...except when it comes to myself

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Fabrizio Frosini 22 April 2016

but we are never late or early, when it is Destiny to summon us.. :)

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