Friendship Poem by mona martinez


Rating: 5.0

A friend in a heart so far away
Friendship meant to be, she knows what to say
Two worlds but one, we live, me and you
that how I know we'll last, we'll will see it through
throw the quarrels of life, and a Topsy Turvy world
I believe i can, because of one special girl.
because of that one special guy,
i know i can,
i know when days get hard,
i will always have you,
to help me through the pain and suffering,
i will always return the favor any way i can,
ain't that what true love is,
always staying by their side,
through the bad and good.
because you are truely not like most guys,
you treat a woman like a queen,
that's a good thing,
because in the end,
you will always be good enough to be my king!
By: leslie and mona

Ashraful Musaddeq 29 May 2009

'you treat a woman like a queen, that's a good thing, because in the end, you will always be good enough to be my king! ' Soft and green composition,10+++

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Sandra Martyres 16 May 2009

A very romantic poem - and as Fay says great collaboration in writing this piece which displays a very easy and smooth wordflow - 10 from me

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Shashendra Amalshan 16 May 2009

A very romantic poem indeed... the love that flows through your blood seems to be fuel for your is not ink but love that seems to flow through your pen...well penned with your loving blood....hey it s true i mean realy nice

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Fay Slimm 16 May 2009

A nice collaboration here Mona and you have both got a flair for words - - so a fine piece emerged and honestly romantic too..... well done and 10 from Fay..

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