From Where Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

From Where

From where...
Did such madness come.
Innocently to mingle.
Unnoticed or announced.
Before allowing the affect,
Sting with it done.
Leaving no one stunned.
Or begin to examine,
A difference that had begun.

From where in the air,
Did a madness descend.
Were the signs of it misleading
To ignore comprehending,
Whatever smells foul...
Should be understood,
It up to no good!

Once something familiar,
Begins to decay...
The arrival of negligence,
Has been approved to display.

From where...
Does such a dismissal,
Get an 'okay'?
To allow an epidemic,
An opportunity to mimic...
Conscious minds...
To self destruct.
Until eventually diminished.

From where did unconcern,
Begin its slow burning...
Of enjoyed evil to inhale.
From where...
Did malicious wickedness,
Get its start to survive...
And thrive to prevail.

Who is foolish enough,
To still believe...
They are immune,
Mentally and physically...
These days to keep it perceived
They are amongst those freed,
Without doubt to question...
Their ability to perform,
All activities...
With complete to validate,
Who is or is not crazed.

These days?
From where,
Does such a madness come?
To be unnoticed.
And innocently done?
Hmmm...let's see...
Our indulgence...
In an overdose of delusion.
Our unwillingness to admit...
Kept insecurities,
Keeps hatred manifested.
And accusations to invest.
How about self respect?
There are not too many left,
Keeping that addressed.
Either to express.
Or confess to accept it.

From where...
Does such madness come?
Don't look at me.
I didn't bring it.
It was yours to claim,
Long before...
You try to put that blame,
On me to frame and shame!

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