Game 7: Hilton Versus Donump …[inspired By Casey At The Bat, By Ernest Lawrence Thayer, And By The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, And Babe Ruth; Medium Long; Fantasy Baseball] Poem by Bri Edwards

Game 7: Hilton Versus Donump …[inspired By Casey At The Bat, By Ernest Lawrence Thayer, And By The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, And Babe Ruth; Medium Long; Fantasy Baseball]

IN the 2016 World Series, two titans were at odds.
The Mocrats' best team and the Ublicans' best team both got nods ….
from their fans, and the reporters to ….battle for the prize.
It boiled down to one batter and one pitcher. That was no surprise.

[Each team had won three games. Only one game to go.
The winners of this seventh game would have Series Rings to show ….off.]

The batter was the most famous player …..for the Mocrat team.
But the Ublicans had a pitcher whose fast ball was...…oft' not seen.
The batter, Mighty Hilton, had many notches on her bat,
but Donump, a rookie pitcher, had a Super-Fastball which he often spat ….

The bottom of the ninth, one runner on base; Ublicans leading five to four.
Both teams had struggled mightily. The crowd called out for MORE.
It was two outs so far that inning against the Mocrats team.
Hilton stepped into the batter's box, her ears spouting steam.

But rookie Donump was not fazed as he tousled with his blond mop.
He'd struck out the last two batters, and felt his luck ….could not stop.
Hilton was a pro and seemed unflappable; she held her bat with ease.
She knew her team would win if, from her bat, a homer she could squeeze.

The fans were noisy in the stands; it was a sold out game.
All eyes were on the two players now. Would one win Series fame?
The first pitch, a curveball, was low and outside. Hilton let it pass.
"Ball One! " the plate umpired bellowed. Hilton stepped back onto the grass.

She eyed Donump, and for a moment she felt ….something unknown.
Could it be this young upstart would throw her off of her batting thrown? ?
Hilton stepped back into the box. Donump drew back and delivered.
"STRIKE ONE! " she heard behind her. And something (in her) shivered.

"Ok" she told herself. "Settle down girl. His smile will not last."
But then the next pitch blazed past her. "STRIKE TWO! " ["That was TOO fast" ……
...……she thought.]
Could she be losing her edge? Could her years of fame be ending?
The rookie pitcher wound up once more; another pitch he was sending.

A slider this time, but she kept her cool. Inside. "Ball TWO" was the call.
And he threw another curve. Hilton's eyes never left the ball.
She almost swing at it, but she didn't. "BALL THREE! " the ump yelled.
Hilton took a deep breath and thought: "The Queen of Swat cannot be felled! "

It was a full count: 3 balls,2 strikes; a ball would do, a strike would not.
Not "do" for Hilton or for the Mocrats or their fans. A homer she'd love to SWAT ……
......clear out of the ballpark.
Donump stepped off the mound, wiped his brow, nodded to the basemen.
Hilton stepped out of the box, tapped dust from her shoes, and THEN ……
….said to herself: "Go for it! "

The crowd was undecided what to do. Some roared. Most just stared ….wide-eyed.
The rookie stepped back to the rubber strip on the mound. Teeth bared.
Hilton pointed her bat at right field, then stepped ………into the batter's box.
The next pitch, a FAST fastball, headed towards Hilton's socks.

A MIGHTY swing. A mighty swing indeed she made. "STRIKE THREE. YOU'RE OUT! "
A hush fell over all the crowd. Most of the fans there were Mocrat fans.

Both teams and both players had played their best.
They'd supplied their public with months of the sporting zest.
BUT, today, under leaden skies, the Mocrat fans, with joy, did …….NOT shout.
Today, in Usville, a rookie won. Mighty Hilton had struck OUT!

(November 18, 2016)

Saturday, November 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: baseball,election
i read that Babe Ruth, the baseball player after which the famous candy bar was named (i think) , was sometimes called the Sultan of Swat. 'swat'=to hit hard, like a flyswatter hits a fly.

and some other batters, before 'Babe', were called the same.

i believe today, November 19th,2016, is the day the U.S. 'Electoral College' will officially vote Trump to be the newest President Elect, to take office in 2017. OK, i guess NOT today! (see below: thanks, Google) :

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Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For this reason, in the following discussion, the word "state" also refers to the District of Columbia and the word "governor" also refers to the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

November 8,2016—Election Day

Registered voters cast their votes for President and Vice President. By doing so, they also help choose the electors who will represent their state in the Electoral College.

Mid-November through December 19,2016

After the presidential election, the governor of your state prepares seven Certificates of Ascertainment. "As soon as practicable, " after the election results in your state are certified, the governor sends one of the Certificates of Ascertainment to the Archivist.

Certificates of Ascertainment should be sent to the Archivist no later than the meeting of the electors in December. However, federal law sets no penalty for missing the deadline.

The remaining six Certificates of Ascertainment are held for use at the meeting of the Electors in December.

December 13,2016

States must make final decisions in any controversies over the appointment of their electors at least six days before the meeting of the Electors. This is so their electoral votes will be presumed valid when presented to Congress.

Decisions by states' courts are conclusive, if decided under laws enacted before Election Day.

December 19,2016

The Electors meet in their state and vote for President and Vice President on separate ballots. The electors record their votes on six "Certificates of Vote, " which are paired with the six remaining Certificates of Ascertainment.

The electors sign, seal, and certify six sets of electoral votes. A set of electoral votes consists of one Certificate of Ascertainment and one Certificate of Vote. These are distributed immediately as follows:

one set to the President of the Senate (the Vice President) for the official count of the electoral votes in January;
two packages to the Secretary of State in the state where the electors met—one is an archival set that becomes part of the public record of the Secretary of State's office and the other is a reserve set that is subject to the call of the President of the Senate to replace missing or incomplete electoral votes;
two packages to the Archivist—one is an archival set that becomes part of the permanent collection at the National Archives and Records Administration and the other is a reserve set that is subject to the call of the President of the Senate to replace missing or incomplete electoral votes; and
one set to the presiding judge in the district where the Electors met—this is also a reserve set that is subject to the call of the President of the Senate to replace missing or incomplete electoral votes


who knew? ? not me! ! bri :)
B.m. Biswas 20 November 2016

what a fantastic...... ..................mighty dual..

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B.m. Biswas 19 November 2016

Write ca fantastic narration to have a look on the mightydual OBJECTIVELY.....Only a man of WIT and HUMOUR can present enjoyable poem. Thanks...

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success