At a party,
She walked in late
Paused at the gate,
Casually draped
In a diaphanous
Wine coloured
Georgette sari,
Her attitude
Only accessorie…
She couldn’t care
Who stared…
Male of the species,
Instantly distracted
Dropped their animated
On the state of the economy,
Studying the anatomy…
Women watched
In indignation,
A wee bit envious,
A lot outraged,
By the devious game,
swearing must go
While men, pretending
To be oblivious,
walked bellgerantly
belly pulled in,
asked for whiskey
On the rocks,
While she, for effect
Pushed behind
Her locks…
I kept smiling reading this very nice poem. Reminds, Maya's Phenomenal woman...this one is no less....
End of the games....................behind closed door.Sophisticated piece!
...'Her attitude Only accessorie'… this phrase is the 'trump card' of this poem game... good humorous satirical piece...every one would like......10
Mamta Madam, I loved the way in which you have described the reactions of the men folks and the ladies! During my school days there use to be a hit song of those days titled -'The Game of Love'! 10! -Raj Nandy
A live and impressive poetic caricature of a modern party woman with shades of words suitably chosen for it. It displays your superb craftswomanship. CP
How fun it is to create characters and breathe life into them. You did a great job, Mamta and I agree, does remind me of Maya's Phenomenal Woman. A '10! : ' Best Wishes, Marilyn
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
nice poem I love it! ! ! ! !