Gaslighting Means Control Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

Gaslighting Means Control

Rating: 5.0

She loves him, but obsesses endlessly one day he'll love her too;

He loves himself and he alone decides her love for who;

If love means overwriting her personality…..

Then yes he loves her…..

If love is making her believe she is a monster….

That's how he loves her…...

If love is telling her his mother was cruel so hers must be as well……

Then he loves her……

If loving her means isolating her from everyone who truly cares.…

Again, he loves her.

If love is messing with her memory and perception

and apologising for her thoughts….

Then yes he loves her….

She finds the strength to tell someone that she knows what he has done

But in his presence will deny the words, yes every one….

If love is making her see the apocalypse but telling her she's blind,

To say that she's the crazy one, unloved, out of her mind,

To take away her rights to feelings leaves her open wide

to controlled manipulation, insidiously applied;

She has to love all that he loves, no matter how absurd,

to go against his will would be irrational she's heard.

He conquers all, she trails along to pick up grateful crumbs

To let him overwrite her life until she just becomes

The faintest light that flickers with no luminosity

‘cause he's the one gaslighting in a glow no one can see……….but me

Gaslighting Means Control
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: alienation,confusion,control,isolation,perception
Gaslighting is a form of mind control that removes its victims personality and very being!
Shaun Cronick 08 November 2020

Lodigiana your originality and choice of theme amazes me a poetry gem to discover. You use a term of phrase I haven't heard in years and weave a moral message and brilliance around it. A great read with a superb and uplifting no nonsense closing line. Five stars and thank you for sharing your unique poetry gift, a gift that is always offering every reader something innovative and fresh. Take care. Shaun. x.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 October 2017

The faintest light that flickers with no luminosity that brings confusion and isolation and somehow love hides. An amazing and brilliant poem you have drafted from your perception.10

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