Genethliac Poem by Harley White


Rating: 5.0

Carpe diem? sweet, yet meet? … whimsical? smart? how do I start? …
On a birthday, it's worth saying something special from the heart.

While I've penned all kinds of rhymes— ahead, behind the times, a range—
Some in verse that's terse, some florid, others horrid, stanzas strange…

Here are couplets spare, to share a word about aesthetic voice
And tell of those who, heaven knows, feel impelled.These have no choice.

Force driven, from a passion given or a pull linguistic,
They have to make their plea— to make us see— by means artistic.

To psyches nourish with a flourish to seek heights where dreams dare—
Souls entice through words' device— takes more than mere inventive flair.

Although Joyce's knack most lack or Molly Bloom's, yes, claim to fame…
Still a spark might light that could ignite a literary flame.

When in dim creative burn, one struggles just to turn the page—
Push on to… and puzzle through… a painful poem's final stage.

Midst seas of jocund companies, I would seek to speak from shore,
Hope to leave behind a line of mine that wasn't there before…

Meantime delight in what is left, each strophe deft… to the end…
Where we blind may find someday someway unwinds beyond that bend…

I'll stop the Harley parley now— sing appreciation ‘cheers'…
For encore add, ‘many more birthdays galore… and relished years! '

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: art,birthday,celebrations,creativity,poetry
[While this was initially written for the birthday of someone in particular, I have found it to be appropriate for my creative friends and acquaintances in general.]

Painting ~ Grandmother's Birthday, by Arturo Ricci
Wonderful piece. 06 February 2018

I loved the feel of this and I am very honored!

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Harley White 06 February 2018

So glad you reacted that way! It really was penned for all of us who feel impelled to create...

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Bill Cantrell 06 March 2017

You are much more than inventive flair, you are genuine poetry, your depth is extreamly refreshing, the statements in this poem are intensely profound, like words infused with question on a journey into the unknown....midst seas of jocund companies, I would like to speak from shore, leaving a line that wasn't there before....the heights of dreams means of artistic charm, you hold the readers captive! ! !

11 0 Reply
Harley White 06 March 2017

Ah, thank you Bill! The “seas of jocund companies” is an allusion to that splendid poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, aka, “The Daffodils” by William Wordsworth, as perhaps you recognized. However, in my poem I meant for the “seas of jocund companies” to refer to Wordsworth and other great poets (rather than daffodils) , and I would “seek to speak” from their shore, as it were. At any rate, I truly appreciate your deep readings of my poems and responses!

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