Giant Floods That God Did Reign. Poem by Michael Gale

Giant Floods That God Did Reign.

Fallen angels giants be....
Mated with Earth women became as ye.

The great flood of Noah's wiped out the giant's remains...
Buried were they, beneath great layers of dirt and sandy grains.

Discovered all over lands were the giant bones decayed...
Are they the remains of the Bible's secrets by man delayed, displayed.

The giant Goliath walked the Earth...
Before the wet-ted world's rebirth.

Is the Planet X the first layer of Heaven where the Angels had fallen...
These once lived beings measured as real legends once seen tall-en.

On December 21st,2012, according to the Mayans, Planet X will either collide with the world...
As we were told.

Or-bring a mist of Meteors or giant Asteroids to crash into our Earthly planet...
I hope not-But if be so, Dammit!

I have been saved and believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord...
I won't be here, but will join Jesus, and i guarantee you, then, i will be happy and not real bored.

The other European and Mid-Eastern countries will be misled to believe that a great alien invasion, will be what they will fight...
They won't know that they will be fighting Jesus Christ, and will think that they are in the right.

Jesus Christ will wipe them out...
After an Angel's trumpet will sound and God's order begun to shout.

In the twinkling of a light, we'll be called up to Christ...
We'll be gone, before the last violent man made mighty fight.

Satan will be, for a thousand years, put away...
With God and Jesus Christ, will we rule the Earth of the thousand years, in that day.

At last, no pain and suffering in our new bodies, will we reign with Christ and God, to play...
That will be the final judgement day.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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