Global Warming Poem by Rashmi Pawar

Global Warming

Rating: 5.0

What is happening,
Trees are dying,
Icebergs are melting,
Is life ending.

Is mankind about to destroy,
Or man is destroying mankind,
I know we will die,
Living organisms of all kind.

Before it gets worst,
Listen to me first,
We can stop this all,
Because united we stand and divided we fall.

Why do we need 'ACs' and 'refrigerators,
We can be chilled anyway if we stop this,
So just throw these things,
And see what nature brings.

- Rashmi Pawar

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Jazib Kamalvi 21 December 2018

A good start with a nice poem, Rashmi. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thanks

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Chinedu Dike 20 February 2018

The devastating effects of human activities on nature is aptly captured in the poem. An insightful rendition set aside for sober reflection. Brilliant thought provoking piece, focussed and factual. Thanks for sharing Rashmi and do remain enriched.

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Kelly Kurt 18 August 2015

We can and should do our part. Nicely written, Rashmi

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Rashmi Pawar 30 November 2015

thank you so much

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 August 2015

Day to day global warming is increasing. We can stop it if we want. So nicely envisioned and beautifully presented. The favourite lines are....Before it gets worst, Listen to me first, We can stop this all, Because united we stand and divided we fall. Many thanks dear Rashmi, keep the ball rolling. ....10

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Rashmi Pawar 30 November 2015

thanks very much

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