God Doesn't Abandon Those Who Are His Poem by Qiniso Mogale

God Doesn't Abandon Those Who Are His

Rating: 5.0

God protects those who belong to Him
God covers them with His wings those who are His
God encircles with a wall of fire those who belong to Him
God becomes a refuge for those who belong to Him
Christ covers them with His Blood those who belong to Him
God doesn't abandon those who are His.

God answers by fire and scatters our enemies
God extends His righteous right hand
and strikes our adversaries
God confuses and confounds our foes
God regards those who are His as apples of His eyes
God doesn't abandon those who are His.

God doesn't abandon those who are His
That is why no weapon fashioned against us prospers
God doesn't abandon those who are His
That is why when the enemy comes in like a flood
the Spirit of the Lord raises the standard against him.
God doesn't abandon those who are His
He has promised never to leave nor forsake us
God doesn't abandon those who are His
He is not a man that He should lie.

Chris Embrick 27 July 2018

There are so many things in life that happen when friends cannot help. I am so greatful that He is mine and I am His. Thank you dear friend.

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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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