God Laughing At Me Poem by Thomas Viruvelil

God Laughing At Me

Rating: 3.3

I asked him:
'Can I see the body? '
'Yes.before the doctors come'
He opened the door
and then
the mortuary drawer.
Out came my cousin's body
cuddled with that of a begger
He looked majestic
all 186 cm
Designer shirt
with upper buttons open
to show a rosary on the neck.
Coffee brown pants
Imported stylish costly watch
stopped showing time of his death.
Specially made
elegant shoes.
His eyes closed
as if in sleep
not even a cut on his body
Only the body of begger almost embracing him
in the same drawer looked
Otherwise he looked
just sleeping
his hands still in a position
holding bike.
I thought of calling him,
even his thick stylish hair looked live.
Coming out I strangely felt
envy for him.
He could escape from this world.
I had years and years of torture
unending torture
never ending stories of pain.
God must be thinking that
death will be my greatest enjoyment.
He being naughty
He must be denying it to me
like even a bit of love.
But I am working out my plans to defeat God
and his unending laugh
whenever he sees me.

Mechelle Schloss 21 September 2005

Peircing. Some very good elements. I was with you in that morgue even though I've never seen the inside of one my entire life.

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Lylyanna Pilewski 13 September 2005

Intense good Lylyanna

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Thomas Viruvelil

Thomas Viruvelil

Cochin, Kerala state, India
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