Kitty, stealthily working towards a target, from the ground
Squirrie on the tree, knowing what he is up to,
enjoyed a mango, exercising caution to the dot
and notices Kitty's moves accurately
Kitty keeps his eye constantly on its prospective prey,
lest he loses the sight of
Kitty and Squirrie knowing each other well
Play this game for few days, as if it is for thrill
Having felt monotonous, Kitty one day thought
‘What harm if I talk to Squirrie? ' and took the first step
'Hi... Squirrie........ Enjoying a mango.... eh? '
Squirrie did not respond at once;
Went on munching the piece in mouth
'Hmmm.......Hmmm.....' Squrrie answered carelessly
'Are these mangoes good? ' Kitty did not give up
'Good! .... Bad! ...... Who knows? '
Munching a mango bite, replied Squrrie
‘What a stupid answer? ' Kitty felt
'I thought it is really tasty' commented back
‘You cunning Kitty, you are not smart enough to fool me! ' Squrrie thought
'Here...... taste one and see for yourself..........'
Squirrie threw a half eaten mango at Kitty, harshly
'Ouch......ouuuch..... oooooui.....Meooo......oow'
Kitty got it on his hind leg, hard
Kitty sprang up instantly like a coil spring
and ran away without even looking back
Squirrie was so happy; He could not stop his laugh
Not seeing Kitty about the place for few days
Squirrie thought ‘Kitty would not site this way hereafter'
He was wrong; Kittey returned after few days, slightly limping
'Did you enjoy the mango, chum....? Was it good? '
This time Squirrie made the first move
'Good...... Bad..... Who knows? '
Kitty too responded same manner
'Anyway..... I want to thank you Squirrie, for something..........' Kitty said
Squirrie took it by surprise
'You want to thank me...? For the mango....? '
'No, no! Not the mango. For hitting me and making me to limp'
‘Cunning Kitty, you are trying to fool me, again; aren't you? '
Squirrie thought to himself
'Are you joking Kitty? ' Squirrie queried back, anyway
'No Squirrie, believe me;
That day when you threw the mango to me,
it hit my leg so hard, it almost broke my leg'
'In fact I thought leg was broken.
Fortunately, it didn't. But, still it hurts.'
'But, why do you want to thank me for that? '
Squirrie is inquisitive now
'Because, that saved me from taking away
by an unknown party' Kitty replied
It was true. A friend of the house wife wanted to take him along.
After seeing Kitty limping, she changed her mind. That's how he was spared.
That sounds funny, isn't that so? ' remarked Squirrie back.
'So, you feel good about it, eh...? '
'Good! ....Bad! .....Who knows? ' was Kitty's response
'I too want to thank you for saving my life, Kitty.....honestly.'
A big surprise from Squirrie too
'Great! ' Exclaimed, Kitty
'How did that happened, Squirrie? ........ tell me'
'That day when the mango was hit on you
and you were thrown up, virtually like a coil spring.....'
'Remember your scream that time...? ' Squirrie queried
'Of course, I remember it;
I just couldn't bear it, so painful it was' replied Kitty
'your scream threw me off and I almost fell off the tree' Squirrie said
'Then.....? ' Kitty was inquisitive
'As I held on to twig and turned back to run away,
I noted a snake just behind, I nearly fell prey to it'
How did you escape? ' Kitty was further interested
'I was again thrown up like a spring in fear
and dashed away in a flash, and did not look back,
until I was sure I was safe'
'Great escape, it is..............How are you feeling today? ' Kitty responded
'Good! ..... Bad! ...... Who knows? '
What is good for the Kitty not necessarily be so to the Squirrie
Conversely, what is good for Squirrie may not be good to the Kitty
Same time, what is good or bad on the face of something
May carry a different thing quite contrary too, ....who knows?
Hi Jayatissa. Thanks for reading my poem, cat And Squirrel. How interesting, our similar interest. I enjoyed reading your poem which showed great imagination, and kept me anticipating the outcome. Thank you. Curtis
Awesome sir. Really could n't control my laughter after loooooooong! Thank you sir for takingus back to childhood days' fables...lovely, enjoyed it truly sir. Thanks for sharing... Great escape, it is..............How are you feeling today? ' 'Good! ..... Bad! ...... Who knows? ' REALLY BEAUTIFUL LINES SIR.
Thank you Uma for your frank feelings and kind words. Let me read yours too.
Hi... Squirrie........ Enjoying a mango.... eh? ..this line made me laugh out loud! [Hmmm.......Hmmm..... Squrrie answered carelessly Are these mangoes good? Kitty did not give up Good! .... Bad! ...... Who knows? Munching a mango bite, replied Squrrie..................... i would have sent a message; PH says you don't accept messages. you left an i out of Squirrie's name twice here and at least one more time later. i'm loving the story so far. :) ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [In fact I thought leg was broken. Fortunately, it didn't. But, still it hearts.].........see the typo? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thanks for the poet's note! i've heard real life stories of things, which were at first thought to be misfortunes, turning into 'fortunes'. nicely done; thanks for sharing. bri :)
I really like this story! It's cute, whimsical, and amusing but also tells a story a gives a good lesson. An excellent fable you tell! -SOH
A Buddhist Squirrie & a Buddhist cat now what do I think of that? I love the perspective, it fits all well much better than Heaven or Hell
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A Buddhist Squirrie & a Buddhist cat now what do I think of that? I love the perspective, it fits all well much better than Heaven or Hell