Grandpa Was Here Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

Grandpa Was Here

Rating: 5.0

Going down Lindsay Road,
the usual speed, boxer four,
family wagon from the crowd
in Hannover, that's where they build
Vanagons, export with fuel injection.
The oldest of the tribe, he buttons now
his vinyl shirt, as if to hide his skin
there is an atmosphere of need,
and of such happiness and love
as mother has the ancient stove
in slavery, there's cookery in awe,
nightfall has come, the bats have sung
and generations will have clashed
before the rooster's call today.
It is no use, my boy, go back to sleep,
I will have thought of what you see
the same as me.

Gina Onyemaechi 30 April 2006

I don't fully understand this poem, Herbs, but I still like the way it jumps from allusion to allusion. Love, Gina.

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Mike Finley 30 April 2006

I like the lovely conversational English of this. I never for a second think you are ginning the story, or working a screwdriver into my ribs! It's not even se timental - just lovingly matter-of-fact - good writing. For what it's worth, the ending statement mystifies me. I maybe get it - but I'm not confident I do.Not am ideal result for such a purposeful poem!

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Faith Elizabeth Brigham 30 April 2006

very have a great style...lovely poem!

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