He Panders To Europeans Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

He Panders To Europeans

They make claims he's an opportunist!
And he panders to Europeans.
Those who own New York City, Los Angeles
Chicago, New Orleans and every city in between.

The ones who own the debt...
And set aside more loans to borrow!

The ones collecting outsourced jobs,
To leave many left in sorrow.

The ones who dictate policy...
That feeds lobbyistic greed!

The ones with financial backing,
From movies seen to mobile phones...
With their distinctive rings,
And other play things!

The ones pandered to who spend vacations,
From Cape Cod, Pebble Beach to the Florida keys!

Then ones who police their shores,
Who themselves are foreign.
Making sure their imports,
Are more than exported!

The ones who build cars they drive,
Because they are better made!

And they accuse him of pandering to them,
While those in debt up to their ears...
Give him on his home turf,
Their reasons to snub him with distain and shade!

He never once stated,
Those he wishes to lead out of darkness...
Aren't capable of being the greatest.
Claims to this they make!

And he never once stated their quality of life...
Is nearing the brink and about to break!
And he never once slighted their heritage at all.
Or answered questions why he is best qualified,
To represent their European traditions...
On a land they confiscated,
To enhance their European ways...
Barely thriving to keep their delusions alive!

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