Honor Of Deed Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Honor Of Deed

Raised to place their values in 'things'.
And the superficialness of looks,
With the best of false pretensions.

Very few of them have sacrificed their lives,
In the honor of deed.
Without proceeding that 'development'
With the asking for payment,
Or if an hourly fee for their activity was involved.

None would find time available.
If certain desires are not met.
And the few who are...
Busy themselves for critique,
And fashion!
AND may spend all day perfecting the 'look'!
As if in ceremony.
To welcome their own 'gorgeousness'.

No one would roll up their sleeves.
To sweat for free and purpose?
Even though the act of that,
Would aid in their survival!

These folks would rather be clothed...
Dressed to 'the nines'.
Seen strolling on urban streets looking healthy and 'fine'.
Or at least giving that perception.
Although in reality...
Many thought it distasteful to share.
Or beg for anything to eat!
If that was not done...
Like everthing done they do,
In discreet!


Dressed to the 'nines' was an expression
said in 'the day' when Black folks, Negroes...
African Americans, if you will, would dress
as if to impress and flaunt their looks. Primarily
in urban centers. Saving their best attire for Sunday.
In a respect that has drastically diminished over the years.
More are concerned with babysitting idealogies of the past.
As if not to offend the existence of disrespect.
With a condoned neglect and an acceptance of ignorance!

Of course this is an opinion...
many can not seem to erase from the 'clarity' of observation!
As well as other tragic signs of those living in denial.

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