Hoodwinking the Gullible Poem by Paul Amrod

Hoodwinking the Gullible

Inherent in our basic belief is a wide-eyed unanimous trust.
We have been trained to express our well-founded grievances.
Nonetheless misinformation is lurking as a form of maliciousness.
Hence we are challenged to begin to be diligent and self-thinking.
Have we taken the time to formulate sensible solutions to adjust
our perspective to detect incongruities exposing suspiciousness?
The misuse of funds with the mismanaging of holy inheritances
has exposed methods of poisoning the gullible with hoodwinking.
As the military band plays 'Hail to the Chief' from the Village People
he has no emotions shown for the YMCA's true gay liberation.
No Grand Ol' Oprah Winfrey or Nashville Redneck is winking
as the MAGA crowd is rounded up like dogeys by the local steeple.
Gradually the support for the Big Lie is menacingly not shrinking
raising the complicity of the Reps confusing our bewildered nation.
It is seemingly the case their fairy tale is an unfortunate continuance
of duping the salt of the earth with a conjecture of manipulation.
Uprising discontent bringing injury to honesty with loathsome insults
disorienting unsuspecting masses rendering life as facinorously feeble.
All citizens, as Bob Woodward said, were disavowed with cabin fever
all unaware of the dangers of the pandemic with delirium as the result.
The savagery of frustration charged the Proud Boys with many deceivers
feeding them to the teeth with Oath Keepers' jargon as repulsive inspiration.
Helplessly misdirected with bamboozlement being incited with exuberance
to be idiotically released on the Congress to vandalize like blinded believers.
Bulldozing blue lives into oblivion while lawmakers ignored their sacrifice
even as a grieving mother implored for a commission with a kind supplication.
Premeditatedly conniving and confiding for evil purposes possibly to legitimatize
the insurrection as natural anger nevertheless forgotten was the unacceptability.
Acting similar to children in a sandbox without a chaperone exhibiting petulance
with thoughtlessness fogging their consciousness accentuating their culpability.
Consequently the rabid raccoon-tailed shaman is sitting in a confined station
receiving his health food porridge minding his P's and Q's quite compromised.
Mo Brooks and Marjorie are counting their days with McCarthy in reference
to halting the steal with promoting untruths in the midst of irresponsibility.
Paul Gosar's siblings have pleaded to disengage him with a timely termination
of his position as a lawmaker while he furthers his malarkey and his malevolence.
Meanwhile the Confederacy flew its flag smarting our Afro-American community
taunting them with indignities being disrespectfully haughty their souls to brutalize.
Even Moscow Mitch went to listen to Martin Luther King Junior to somehow sense
justice as it was forgotten a half-century ago in the white supremacists' divisibility.
Now we have Juneteenth as a national holiday to remind us of their bravery.
The joyous gospel music, R and B and jazz will ring through in all of it eloquence
displaying its glory as the orchestras of the world will enact its syncopation.
The wealth of the cotton fields brought forth through centuries of slavery
was the tribulation of their culture; indebted are the masters of impertinence.
So please return to remorse for forgiveness instead of heated moments so unsavory
to unify our society with a bonafide ethic showing amiability with authenticity.

Paul Amrod

Paul Amrod

Chateaugay, New York
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