How Could They Dare To Kill The Crowd? Poem by Abdul Wahab

How Could They Dare To Kill The Crowd?

Rating: 4.2

I stood straight
Legs were one foot wide
Fingers were one inch apart
Suddenly, I threw my hands up.

They might be racist
They might be fascist
I was in front of them
And asked them to kill me first.

They shouted at me but I shouted louder
They went away from me out of fear
I knew each and every one of them but a coward
They always move and come in crowd
So I thundered alone like a lightening cloud.

To every one it became well known
If they could not kill me alone
So I sat down to ponder and wondered!
How could they dare to kill the crowd?

Harindhar Reddy 23 January 2012

Gracious me! I fancy that! What a revolutionary poem flowed from your heart. I like it very much as it contains powerful message to the world! congrats and my heart felt thanks to the poet for jotting down the poem of this quality! 10+++++++++++ a Thunderous applause!

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Martin O'Neill 25 January 2012

Just superb. Seems I need at least 20 characters so...Just superb.

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Sally Plumb Plumb 04 February 2012

A brave poem,

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Abhimanyu Kumar.s 06 January 2012

this one is reallly interesting. liked it. keep growing

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Stan Petrovich 06 January 2012

I really liked the way this one began. And the somewhat surprising ending was good. If my vote would take (it doesn't) I would give you a 10...

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a coward crowd can be suppressed by a single brave man...! brave poem..a strong message.left me spellbound at ur talent...

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Sd Tiwari 03 March 2012

Bravo! inspiring one. A very few daring people from the crowd can vanish the racism, fascism and all.

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Tom Higgins 03 March 2012

Nicely written Abdul, If good men stand back and do nothing then the evil ones will triumph!

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Sankaran Ayya 11 February 2012

Brave heart. Inspiring. -KAVIN CHARALAN

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Ouch G. Hetrick 09 February 2012

: D loves this poem...

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