How Innocent Are We! ! ! ! Poem by M. Asim Nehal

How Innocent Are We! ! ! !

Rating: 5.0

How innocent are we
to make a house of sand
with doors of leaves and
Windows of glass and
Roof of clouds and
Floor of water
And then think of living in it forever.
How innocent are we!

We stitch our dreams with spider’s web
allow our thoughts to fly in the bird’s beak
work on it like ant does
Flutter for food like butter fly
Jump in the air like fish and
Allow sunrays to nurture it and
Moonbeams to culture it
How innocent are we!

A wind gives us the direction,
Mountains decides the road
Family conducts our affairs
Society dictates the ways
We are tied to a rope
We become puppets in the hands of fate
Still, we believe by faith that life is our own
How innocent are we!

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: innocence,life
Kelly Kurt 10 December 2015

Life is our own. What better reason to make it a thing of love and joy and not war and misery.

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Rajnish Manga 10 December 2015

How Innocent Are We! ! You have very wisely put across the travesty of a man's fallacy that he is the master of all he does in life whereas the fact remains that 'We become puppets in the hands of fate'. Thanks for sharing a great philosophical poem, Md. Asim ji. We become puppets in the hands of fate Still, we believe by faith that life is our own

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Darren Jkoeryo 10 December 2015

Really they are innocent and we all are Man.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 December 2015

Very natural presentation of innocence is well portrayed. We are definitely innocent to have homes in sand and doors in leaves. This is very metaphoric in expressions an expresses humor too. Jumping in air life fish with freedom makes this definitely thoughtful poem. Amazing sharing.10

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