I Am Lonely Poem by George Eliot

I Am Lonely

Rating: 4.6

The world is great: the birds all fly from me,
The stars are golden fruit upon a tree
All out of reach: my little sister went,
And I am lonely.

The world is great: I tried to mount the hill
Above the pines, where the light lies so still,
But it rose higher: little Lisa went
And I am lonely.

The world is great: the wind comes rushing by.
I wonder where it comes from; sea birds cry
And hurt my heart: my little sister went,
And I am lonely.

The world is great: the people laugh and talk,
And make loud holiday: how fast they walk!
I'm lame, they push me: little Lisa went,
And I am lonely.

Monday, February 9, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lonely
Edward Kofi Louis 09 February 2015

Nice piece of work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us. E.K.L.

1 1 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 June 2021

A wonderful and touching poem imbued with great images.

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Varsha M 07 June 2021

Yes losing close ones steal our life and we are left all alone. And living all alone is very painful.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 07 June 2021

The world is great: the people laugh and talk, And make loud holiday: how fast they walk! I'm lame, they push me: little Lisa went, And I am lonely.The more we read sadder becomes the poem, but this is reality! 5 Stars

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Sylvia Frances Chan 07 June 2021

The world is great: the people laugh and talk, And make loud holiday: how fast they walk! I'm lame, they push me: little Lisa went, And I am lonely.. A reality but very sad.5 Stars for this Classic Poem Of The Day!

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Luis A. Estable 07 June 2021

The lines have much poetry. The reading is interesting. These two things has this poem. But there are other aspects I can`t enter here due to space. Good read.

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George Eliot

George Eliot

Warwickshire, England
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