I Cannot Go On In Life Without The Fresh Touch Of Your Lips To Mine... Poem by Michael Gale

I Cannot Go On In Life Without The Fresh Touch Of Your Lips To Mine...

Rating: 4.5

Heart felt despaire may at times seem unable to be fixed to a condition as whole or repair...
That crack in thy heart may resemble in length the crack of that Liberty Bell, - of this to you i sincerely do informly tell.

You from the beginning had me transfixed in your spell...
An eternal prisoner of your heart and soul held me inate soulfully in a frozen jail.

You've kept my heart locked up in a frozen position...
My brain and emotions stilled to a beatless decision.

I cannot go on in life without the fresh touch of your lips to my own...
You have for all eternity sealed my heartful emotions to be anchored stronger than even sewn.

A Sunrise each morning brings you close at hand and to my side...
God did so bless me the most when'st you agreed to be my new loved bride.

Life with you might bring days at times unstable like a roller coaster ride...
But in the end-Sweet Dearest wife-My love for you shall never be concealed, or lied.

At the end of our gratuitious walk in life holding hands on our romantic stroll...
My uncracked heart will ring for thee as if i passed life's obstacles
and paid a happly most filled God given toll.

My journey in the ever-after, will enfold to thee an ever eternal accomplished goal...

Heaven's gates shall for us two-open up and swing with an unfettered air...
As long as in life-We have shown to God that of we two there was an undying love and a mutual sharing and care.

The Heavenly Angels will play music of our love...
That is why God's symbol of love is the white flapping Dove.

Always are those Doves flying about totally beautiful and free...
For they are God's gift in symbol that love complete for we.

Light bluish skies are filled with white billowing clouds...
This skyly scene is God's curtained staged shroud-
To forever more remind woman and man that the creator of all...
Will for ever and ever remain happly proud.

Like a father watches a son make his first fly ball catch...
God looks down on his children- with a feeling filled of a pridely match.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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