I Didn't Know What Love Is... Poem by Rhymer Rhymer

I Didn't Know What Love Is...

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i didn't know what love is
you taught me it

what is there in the clock
the clock is named as BODY
jesmi jahir and jesmi batin
the jahir decays and rotten just after demise
the batin a matter not to decay or rotten
bodies of wali aulia or ambia are biodegradable
viva and punishment are on subtle body as batin
owners of purified body are those who keep jahir and batin clean
their ruh or jesmi batin gets blessings in the graves
if plainly speaking they get blessing of happiness and certain improved diet in graves
how to believe
get it in the holy quran as rizik the term

increase the swing of the clock by jikir:
hujur may i know the study of maarifa
if so then swing the clock
you have 11 places to swing jikir
there are 11 keys
swing the keys
you will get maarifa
the hidden knowledge is called hikmah in the holy quran
it is so calles maarifa or hidden or spiritual knowledge
the mater of this study is nabi muhammad sm
and then the lower class division
the first group of students were called ashaabi siir
and you get it from this sacred sentence
"the sacred sentence is like a tree
whose root is stronger and branches to the upper sky"
this hidden message is from ground to the upper sky
it is mysteriously with negative and positive fact
this positivity and negativity is present in the subtle layers of creation
there is no creation without the aspect of negativity and positivity
may be like woman and man
this line has 12 letters
the human body has 12 station or lataif
want to learn maarifa then do jikir
12 stations will open 12 doors
as 4 elements are there in the body construction
fire water soil and air
and nafs ruh siir kwalb n khofi
total 10 and jesmani plus bateni body=2
this 12 if is controlled
you can mount the horse on kalima
(lai laha illallah))
enter the kingdom of hidden Knowledge
want to know maarifat?
want more>>>
and it is aiyat al qursi…
so do jikir
target the chest of the spiritual master...
allah is the noor of the universe
and tht noor is preserved in a LAMP
it is like the illumination of thousand stars
comparison of jaitun oil LAMP
or of a TREE
and HE distribute this knowledge to any-person
none can achieve it without hard study
and this STUDY is acquiring complete holiness
"attasufo taasfiyatul khelayat"
and it purifies human thoughts
is it from heart or sight
and your instinct must be guided by holiness
and if your instinct is guided by animality
no goal is achieved
and study enlighten mental DOMAIN
open the dor and se the Creator's HAND...

jesmi jahir is called this human body
jesmi batin is called soul in one sense or subtle body that we can't see by eyes
wali/aulia are called friends of allah n they are highly holi persons
ambia are prophets of allah
batin/baten is hidden matters or ideas that we canot see through eyes
jahir that we can see through eyes
ruh that generally called soul
rijik mens what allah sends us as blessings
maarifah/marifat means study of spirit/soul
hkmah means real knowledge / maarifa
nabi muhammad means prophet muhammad peace be upon him
ashabi siir means some special followers of prophet
negative aspect is la ilaha means no ilaha or master/ lord
positive aspect means illal lah/ without allah no ilah
lataif/lotifa means subtle moutha /stations in the body as heart is a station called kwalb or generallly mind
jikr means remering allah by uttering allah n thais sound produces purification in the mind
noor means light in general
jaitun a tree in Arabian peninsula area
tasauf means study of spirit or Sufism
Mahtab Bangalee 09 December 2018

Nothing know- from this statement getting birth the curiosity and on through the positive curiosity getting birth knowledge and all positive knowledge is LOVE Love for everyone and everything on base of GOD feelings because GOD created this universe in LOVE

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Rus Mer 09 December 2018

When my reader is my GURU still i need to run the pen, sir i salute u! !

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Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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