I'm, The Love Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

I'm, The Love

Rating: 5.0

Oh! I'm sorry! I'm not thinker as you said; my friends
I'm not a philosopher; not a writer
great or small as you said

I didn't come here to write me, you or them
I didn't come here to express my love- love for women in lust
I didn't come here to depict the crime scene or my surroundings or the world
I didn't come here as fault finder or thought provoker

I'm mad! Street Mad!
From shepherd I've become lonely walking step

What I've learned everything is my insanity
What I've written everything is my madness pithy

I'm the love; by which I'm created
Being love forget I to divide the creations
My love does not know how to divide and hate the creations
I'm mad! Street Mad!
From shepherd I've become lonely walking step

I keep a rose into my heart; I keep love in my immortal soul
I keep a world into me; I live through a religion, a creed
And that is LOVE

My flowers, my fragrance, my breath, my veins,
my belief, my world, my religion is nothing else- Just LOVE

A thorny love; the love which-
I keep into my sense, into my veins, into my sight,
into my breath, into my blood;
I keep it with my sleeping, with my awaking,
with my dreaming, with my everything
for easy journey to inner world

A thorny love; the love which is-
you, he and me; or we or everyone
for mutual peaceful living in this world
not for losing trust ones to another

A thorny love; the love which is-
Man, woman, boy, girl, he-female, she-male, hermaphrodite
Father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, neighbors, relatives
for living well combined creation as blood relations

A thorny love; the love which is-
Hindu, Buddha, Jew, Christian, Muslim, Jain, Sikh and many more religions
for well united creation as social being

A thorny love; the love which is-
Sweeper, cobbler, carpenter, masonry, peasants, quake, snake charmer, conjurer
for balancing the futile aristocratic ego

A thorny love; the love which is-
Literate, illiterate, educated, student, teacher, wiser
Engineer, doctor, advocate, justice, philosopher, scientist
Chief justice, judge, plaintiff, defendant
Poet, novelist, playwright, essayist and many more reverend figure of literature
literature, science, economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology and many more parts of thinking
Poetry, prose, essay, novel, drama and many more literary works
for discovering myself through self and others knowing by every inch of responsibility

A thorny love; the love which is-
actor, actress, producer, director
for feel the pitiable life of others

A thorny love; the love which is-
Brahman, Vantec, father, Mevlana, Yogi, Saint, Dervish
servant to lord, creature to creator or GOD
worshiper of shapeless God, shaped Gods and Goddess
for contemplation on self doing to ascertain soul eternity
and doing peaceful something for the world living lives

A thorny love; the love which is-
Professor, minister, prime-minister, president

A thorny love; the love which is-
Dark and light, black and white

A thorny love; the love which is-
Asian, American, European, African, Oceania, Antarctica

A thorny love; the love which is-
Bengali, Hindi, Arabian, English, Spanish, Mandarin, Urdu, Farsi
and many more languages

A thorny love; the love which is-
Wrestler, boxer, body builder, any other player

A thorny love; the love which is-
Easy goer to Mosque, temple, church, pagoda, Wailing Wall
and too many more holy place as pilgrimage

A thorny love; the love which is-
Easy goer to brothel, bar of wine, night club with flirty girl or protean

A thorny love; the love which is-
Holy drinking or intoxicated drinking

A thorny love; the love which is-
Blind, dumb, deaf, autistic and many more handicapped

A thorny love; the love which is-
Understanding, misunderstanding, realization, introspected inner knowing

A thorny love; the love which is-
Common sense, conscience for the selfishness or the world

A thorny love; the love which is-
Sanity, insanity, beauty, ugly, crude, rectified

A thorny love; the love which is
All thinking what I imagine and what I cannot imagine

A thorny love; the love which is
Everything what happened in this world, what is happening and what will be happening

A thorny love; the love which is
introvert or extrovert of myself for everyone, everything

These varieties are either colors of God or colors of nature or colors of mind
I'm the love of these diversities
And I'm in that thorny love
From these everything, everyone's customs
I've become theist as well as atheist
to accomplish philanthropic responsibilities
for being creation of LOVE; for being human in LOVE
I'm mad! Street Mad!
From shepherd I've become lonely walking step

-August 10,2018 Chattogram

I'm, The Love
Adeeb Alfateh 14 February 2021

Varieties feelings of love is the mental conditions of self and the outspoken expression of God!

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Adeeb Alfateh 14 February 2021

Love is one kind of madness of mind where emotion works without conscience! ! ! !

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 26 December 2018

A powerful write on love and self discovery. Thought provoking. My love does not know how to divide and hate creations...a wonderful line that should be imbibed in mind and put to heart.

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Edward Kofi Louis 20 December 2018

By which i'm created! ! ! Identification. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 20 December 2018

too long a poetry for me I read lines 19 only but ur special friend so I shall come back again as I'm mad! Street Mad! AND STRAK MAD SINCE BIRTH I NEVER FOLLOW THE RIVER BUT ALWAYS GO UPSTREAM JUST TO DRAW ATTENTION AND SCREAM I know not poetry nor swimming come garland me I am anchoring to the bottom But I see a bottomless sea come salvage me if you please God is winking at me come over son Even I am lonely here hold my invisible hand if you can see at least feel me I am ye

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