I Often Wonder About This When I Am Solicited Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

I Often Wonder About This When I Am Solicited

It is difficult to remain objective...
When a solicitation comes.
It is difficult not to feel imposed upon...
When a rating is demanded,
From someone.

Does someone doing what they do,
From a love connection.
Desire to have it rated...
With a close inspection?
I often wonder about this when I am solicited.

It is difficult to remain objective...
When a a solicitation comes.
It is difficult not to feel imposed upon...
When a rating is demanded,
From someone.

And what is the ultimate purpose?
To feed an ego...
Or improve.
What if I should say I dislike what has been done?
What for that 'someone' will my comments prove?

That I don't know what I am talking about?
I am an eccentric fool?
I've been told that too many times.
That is why I refuse,
To respond to solicitations.

There is an honesty involved.
And I will protect mine too!

Ace Of Black Hearts 14 June 2011

Solicitation, thrives in this kingdom I call the internet. Everyone is here to sell themselves. Like it or not. I mean just look at the advertisements and what not. But asking for a opinion is just that. Not a good rating, but a critique straight from the heart. For wisdom can only be gained from them wiser. So why don't you see as being the adviser. A teacher of sorts, a master of your field. With words so explicit, that one must yield. Take a look upon it awe. And that's the great pause. Captured in moment forever remember as the one who did not All because you saw it as self gain From the ones who complain. But I'm here to tell you that's not so. You spoke of it as you already know. Then when it comes. You duck your head and get ready run. I'm here to tell you I only do this as fun. For I mean no pun. I'm just expressing my self like anyone. So don't take it wrong. For this is my song.

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