I Won't Be Going Poem by Randy McClave

I Won't Be Going

If a war with another country ever occurs
And our congress implements the draft,
This is not a joke, or meant for a laugh,
But, all should say that they have bone spurs.

Let the politicians and their children do the fighting
Let them be the ones sent over seas,
They then can make us proud, as all agrees,
From the battlefields let them do the writing.

Let them be the ones to give or take a life
Let them be the ones to hear the cries and see the gore,
Maybe then they'll see the truth about war,
Then they can live with the guilt, and pain and strife.

If a war were to be declared today
And a fat politician pounded down their bloody fist,
Screaming, "Our soldiers will fight so liberty will exist",
Let's scream to our homophobic politicians, "We are gay"!

In pristine country clubs our politicians do their lodging
Without worries and guilt they all peacefully sleep,
Their lives a foreign soldier will not be able to reap,
They are so proud of their cowardly draft dodging.

It's easy to say that you will fight for your country
Especially if you're too old and too fat and protected,
Especially after you have paid to be rejected,
Truly your family all fell from the same cowardly tree.

The facts do indeed make us all knowing
And who will serve and who will fight and die for our land,
In the draft-line let the politicians and their children stand,
I won't be there, as I won't be going.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, July 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: war,america
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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