I'm Not Married Poem by Randy McClave

I'm Not Married

I can do anything that I like
Either at any time day or night,
I can cruise around or go for a hike
I do whatever I feel is right.
Because, I'm not married.

I wear the clothes that I want to wear
Wherever that I ever need or want to go,
I don't care if people ever stare
I dress the way that I feel and know.
Because, I am not married.

I don't care if my house is a mess
I don't care if they're dirty dishes in the sink,
Never anyone do I need to impress
About my untidiness I don't care what people think.
Because, I am not married.

I can eat anything that I wanna eat
Anytime during the night or day,
Fish, steak, potatoes or maybe a sweet
And wherever that I dine it's always okay.
Because, I'm not married.

I can watch whatever that I want on my television
I can go out anytime that I want,
Whatever that I do or watch is my own decision
I might watch a movie while eating a croissant.
Because, I'm not married.

I don't have nobody to talk to
I don't have anyone to put my faith or belief in,
And I'm tired of telling strangers that, "I love you"
And I'm tired of the lies and wearing a fake grin.
Because, I'm not married.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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