India Republic Day,2017 - Come To My Nation Called India Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

India Republic Day,2017 - Come To My Nation Called India

Come to my nation called India
where people from many walks of life
walk with time with liveliness;
come to my brethren called India
who embrace many faiths
yet don't go to war over religions or beliefs;
come to my nation so full of unity
where Hindus, Muslims, Christians and all others
together sit in a theatre to watch Bollywood movies;
come to my nation, so full of strength
where upon pulses and cereals such as dal and chawal-
rice and lentils they eat to get their nourishment;
come to my nation where poor and wealthy
move on the same streets with independent dignity
though the lay man in national buses and trains travels;
come to my nation where young and old
as grandchildren and grandparents live together
as one big joint family amidst the hustle and bustle;
come to my nation where your eyes will marvel
to see our temples, churches and fortresses
while the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort have been quite enchanting;
come to our classrooms to see school children
of all castes and creed sit together and learn
and build their dreams of tomorrow with inner zeal;
come to our restaurants and bars
which will serve hot tandoori chicken to customers
with the beverages and the drinks they order;
come to our nation where money has its economic value
as a Pound or a Dollar will fetch a thali - Vegetarian Meal
at lunchtime or dinner;
come to our nation called India
where milk and butter, vegetables and fruits
are produced or grown in our own fields and orchards;
come to our nation called India
where our Republic allows us to choose our leaders
and keep equality, justice and liberty in axis of reality;
come to a nation called India and breathe the air of freedom
which fills my lungs and articulates my existence
that you yourself will long to be an Indian and live in our sunshine.

India Republic Day,2017 - Come To My Nation Called India
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: republic day
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