Just then.....
He appeared
And took me to
The deepest level
Of understanding,
Gradually I found myself
In the most important world,
Which was my dream once,
I closed my eyes with great delight,
My soul became absolutely ecstatic,
Finally I reached my goal.......
Yes, the most beautiful goal,
I had not lived in vain.
or, close enough i see, I guess I just have to laugh at myself.
Hope all my mistakes didn't come through, for it took me 3 try's to get what i was trying to say right.
p/s, All hearts have meaning and purpose, : ) even when we don't think we do....
Totally Awesome! .. Endless 10'S And Stars! ..+++++++++++++++++++++
This brings much joy to heart, to read! .. For it sounds like an ever so beautiful of feeling! ..
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I Too, will not live in vain Bravo! ! ! !