Kukofunis Stew Poem by Leslie Ching

Kukofunis Stew

Rating: 5.0

***Note: The word 'kukofunis' in this poem is the phonetic spelling of the real word 'cacophonous', meaning 'dissonant' or 'jarring'. Used here, it is also meant to be 'chaotic', the reason of which you will find out when you finish reading this poem...

This morning I made
Some kukofunis*** stew-
'What's that? ' you ask
'So I never knew
About this delectable dish? '

'Hush up, ' I say
As I uncover the lid.
'I made it myself! '
'Oh wow, you did?
A standing ovation to you! '

'Of course I did!
Now if you would please
Take a tiny little sip
I would surely cease
To bother you so about such.'

So taking a soup bowl
And a large ladle too
You spoon up some of
My kukofunis stew-
And promptly cry out in disgust!

For mixed up inside
My kukofunis stew
Were an assortment of things-
Not for eating, mind you-
And the smell and sight was revolving!

Flat tires, a boot,
Guppies and a shoe
All inside my
Kukofunis stew-
Don't ask, but there's still plenty more-

Alas, my wonderful
Invention failed-
Kukofunis stew
I dumped out by the pail
But who knows what'll happen next time...

Nick Lennert 20 August 2011

Really funny! Some of your poetry has good wit to it. Keep it up!

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<font color =fusha>Amy 22 February 2009

thats amazing it brought a smile to my face nice write 10!

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hey.. this had me rolling for like 5 minutes...

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*Trusting You* 21 February 2009

lol... that is really cute and funny too. Love it. well done. Becca

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Leslie Ching

Leslie Ching

Toronto, ON, Canada
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