Life Is Such A Journey Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Life Is Such A Journey

Rating: 5.0

I sit and wait for what I do not know
I cannot see the seeds that I can sow
Life is full of opportunity
Yet I look upon life hopelessly
What is it about me that accepts misery
Giving in so easily and so damn quickly
Is there some secret I don't know
About the seeds that I can sow?

The reality is there is no secret
Except that life need not be full of regret
Let's look at the good in ourselves and others
And love our mothers fathers sisters brothers

Some may call me an idealist
What's wrong with being an optimist
I find that there are too many pessimists
That do their best to discourage optimists
At this they have become a success
And have put the world in quite a mess

Some believe in accepting their fate
And truly believe it's too late
To do something constructive with their lives
For they have taken one too many dives
To them I say: Do not give up hope
I know sometimes it's hard to cope
But as we learn to look at the beauty in life
We will also learn to forget about the strife

I wish you all the very best
On this very exciting quest
Have faith in yourselves
Learn to know thy selves
And life will be very rewarding
To those who attempt the journeying

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,life and death,lifestyle,self discovery

A wonderful poem full of wisdom. So inspiring and motivational. Beautifully crafted and well executed write.10

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Rose Marie, I am humbled and flattered. Thank you so much!

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