Like Counting Raindrops Poem by Jim Yerman

Like Counting Raindrops

"Hold Momma's hand." She said as they entered the store. "Stay as close to me as you can." Momma was carrying her by the time they left when she said, "Say bye-bye to the man."

As I watched them leave…I paused a moment…my imagination stirred…
I wondered how many times we say I love you…but I love you in other words.

How many times a minute, a day, a week, a month a year…do we use other words to say I love you…out loud…or whispered in an ear?

So I decided to take an entire day and add up the I love you in other words amount…and I am happy to report…how quickly I lost count.

Left and right…everywhere I looked…it was like a scene out of The Birds…people saying I love you…but I love you in other words.

You can do it…welcome home…I'm glad you're hear…sleep tight…
I know you're hurting but I'm here now…everything will be all right.

On and on they kept coming…as if they were raining down from the clouds above…
Who knew there were so many other ways to say it…so many other words for love.

If my counting wasn't difficult enough…I hit another snag…wouldn't you know it!
For not only are there a million ways to say I love you…there are a million ways to show it.

A touch…a kiss…holding hands…candy…flowers…a gift as a surprise…and if you look closely…how often you will see love reflected in the eyes.

I realized trying to count all the different forms of love around me was too difficult a campaign…it's like standing in a downpour trying to counts each drop of rain…

Needless to say I stopped counting…it was obvious…it was an immeasurable amount
besides…when it comes to all the different ways we say I love you…
it's more fun to watch…than it is to count.

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