(limerick) If I Could Select Me A Voice Poem by WES Vogler

(limerick) If I Could Select Me A Voice

Rating: 5.0

(limerick) If I Could Select Me A Voice

Now if I could select me a voice
John Wayne's would be prob'ly my choice
Maybe Robinson, Eddie G
What a kick that'd be
Then record all the writings of Joyce

(limerick) If I Could Select Me A Voice
Friday, October 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people
tom billsborough 06 October 2018

Double Indemnity! What a performance by Eddie G.. what a voice! Great moments in film and in writing Molly Bloom's final soliloquy in Ulysses. A genuine poem at the end of one of the world's greatest ever novels. Lovely to remember these magical moments, Wes. Thank you. Of course some Canadians lapse into a weird foreign tongue, far far to the East of you!

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wes vogler 06 October 2018

The Seawolf is another tourdeforce of the great Edward

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Kelly Kurt 05 October 2018

I have never heard your voice, but I'm sure it is pleasing.

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wes vogler 05 October 2018

Like most Canadians I have no accent we speak dictionary English more than any other nation. I am getting somewhat feeble of voice.

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Kim Barney 05 October 2018

It ain't gonna happen, Pilgrim! You ain't got no choice. You're stuck with your voice!

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wes vogler 05 October 2018

Mine I'm afraid is no longer prepossessing at the age of 88.. but I don't squeak yet

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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