Living Dead - Part 2 Poem by Nikhil Parekh

Living Dead - Part 2

You might perhaps not need their altruistic support anymore; as you now felt yourself to be the strongest organism on the Universe; blazing through even the most fearful of maelstroms; in the untamed effervescent flavor of youth,

You might perhaps not need their compassionate fragrance anymore; as you now had the most pricelessly opulent of scents; sanctimoniously lined up on the windshield of your majestically crimson Mercedes,

You might perhaps not need their amiably bonding house anymore; as you now
resided in the most invincibly diamond studded castle; on this fathomlessly enamoring planet,

You might perhaps not need their selflessly guiding lights anymore; as you now evolved a civilization of unparalleled newness on every path you transgressed; pierced through even the most ghoulishly appalling darkness with your spell bindingly hawk-eyed sight,

You might perhaps not need their celestial nourishment anymore; as triumphant blood now flowed through your ebulliently ecstatic veins; at a speed faster than magical white lightening,

You might perhaps not need their profoundly heartwarming caress anymore; as
you now merrily cavorted with the girl of your choice behind the rain soaked
hills; with her hands convivially exploring every cranny of your miserably trembling skin,

You might perhaps not need their indefatigable inspiring anymore; as you now had the entire planet subliming you to unflinchingly march forward; to ubiquitously disseminate the royally unfettered power of your God-gifted artistry,

You might perhaps not need their optimistically enlightening talks anymore;
as you now had perennially imbibed the good's and bad's of inscrutably fantastic existence; deep into the dormitories of your blessed soul,

You might perhaps not need their irrefutably authoritative signature anymore; as you now had majestically carved a brilliant niche for your ownself on this limitlessly mesmerizing planet; and people around knew you by your very own inimitably victorious identity,

You might perhaps not need their lighthearted jokes anymore; as you now had
the power to cognize even the most funniest of anecdotes on the boundless
Universe; laugh every bone of your body out on the incomprehensible parody

You might perhaps not need their impeccably divinely spirit anymore; as you
now had assimilated all the unconquerably Omniscient spirituality of this timelessly extemporizing planet; tirelessly meditating in front of the Immortal Lord Almighty,

You might perhaps not need their enchantingly undefeatable voice anymore; as you now had discovered that the chords of your mesmerizing throat could timelessly enthrall one and all on this boundlessly insuperable Universe; wonderfully alike,

You might perhaps not need their splendidly recharging pat on the back anymore; as you now had the most iridescently tantalizing waterfalls and maidens to unassailably ignite even the most infidel of your senses,

You might perhaps not need their uninhibitedly emotional bonding anymore; as
you now had the heart of your eternally blessed lover to wholesomely lean and infallibly depend upon,

You might perhaps not need their impregnably untainted shoes anymore; as you
now created an ingeniously unconquerable pathway of effulgent freshness; on even the most evanescent chunk of soil that you tread,

You might perhaps not need their perpetually heartfelt presents anymore; as
every part of your diminutive persona; was now torrentially showered upon by
every bit of panoramically eclectic richness on this victorious planet,

You might perhaps not need their unceasingly fertile smiles anymore; as you
now had the indomitable virility to proliferate into infinite more of your kind; procreate your progeny till the time earth existed by the Grace of Omnipresent Lord Almighty,

You might perhaps not need their unsurpassably ardent breath anymore; as each time you now exhaled romancing in the elixir of youth; nothing else emanated but the fiery first rays of the Omnipotently golden Sun,

You might perhaps not need their Omnipresently throbbing hearts anymore; as
you now had perennially coalesced every beat of your endowed existence with
your heavenly venerated beloved,

But irrespective of whether you needed them the tiniest iota or not; without their blessings your identity wasn't even an obsolete piece of preposterously bizarre nothingness; without their blessings you stood neither in heaven and not even the most diabolical of hell; without their blessings success forever metamorphosed into gruesome failure before you could even scent it; O! Yes without the blessings of your Godly Parents you weren't just dead; but a sinfully satanic living dead.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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