Longevity Poem by Glen Kappy


When I was twenty-two or so
"longevity" then had a welcome glow.

The word, idea, now dims for me
with eyes—and all the rest! —at seventy.

Thursday, January 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: aging,perspective
Laurie Van Der Hart 13 February 2019

I get it, Glen. Just turned 50 and wonder what seventy is like...! On the other hand, once we’re plugged back into the source of life, then “ the days of (his) people will be like the days of a tree.” Not so?

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Glen Kappy 13 February 2019

well, laurie, not sure how literally we're to take the simile. by comparison perhaps? usually people are surprised i'm as ancient as i am, so i suppose i don't look seventy. but i do notice differences. perhaps we'll still be communicating twenty years from now when i'm ninety and you're seventy, and you can let me know then what you think those biblical tree references mean. wishing you quality of life and a thriving one, glen

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Seamus O Brian 12 February 2019

Fascinating commentary, Glen. Insightful, yet elegant in brevity. The focus is on physicality, yet the unspoken reflection to the " soul" is obvious. There is a weariness of " soul" the longer our journey keeps us in this realm, a chapter whose end we more appreciate the closer it draws. Be blessed, my friend.

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Glen Kappy 13 February 2019

hey, neal! good to see your comment and your little picture next to it—thank you! yes, as a young man i could only imagine the piled-up years in a still-young body and could not anticipate the changes in outlook. even in my fifties i still had yet to learn the wisdom passed on to me from a seventy-five-year-old man—getting old ain't for sissies. similarly, my father in his eighties would say, only the good die young. be blessed and thriving! -glen

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Daniel Brick 01 February 2019

This is a very quiet poem but it affirms a truth you have learned from living it. I believe your body knew it before your mind grasped it, but now it is a truth that unites body-and-mind. This is also an experience of THE PULL OF POETRY you wrote about in a memorable poem of your past! ! !

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Glen Kappy 01 February 2019

indeed, daniel. aging has been speaking to my body and me for a while. this one was brewing for a while. thank you, as always, for reading and commenting. the best to you! -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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