Lost In Love Poem by THEODORE MOSLEY

Lost In Love

The cares of life are breathing within the soul of her whispers as she caress her tears.
Longing for the adoration of her image of love, she co-exists with darkness that her crown esteemed.
Singing with the raindrops that filled her eyes with tumultuous pain she descends to nothing.
Her mouth is an open sepulcher of pain in her ears; lost in love for the multitude of her heart.
The cradles of her thoughts are confounded with the noise of her pain that her childhood created.
Supplanted in the womb of her mind she birthed the turmoil that love extinguishes.
With the inefficiency of dissimulation she holds the torch of guilt that she examines within her smiles.
Lost in love for love gave her a tomb of nocturnal existence with demons surrounding her nights.
Surpassing the culture of love that instituted harmony she disavowed moonlight eyes of truth.
Disdain of lost companionship her captor uplifts her in flight with words known as domestic sweetness.
The grave confiscated her darkness with weary nights of consolation that she projected unreachable.
She was lost in love within the solace of her mind that brought her darkness in light from her being.

Written by
Theodore Mosley
December 12,2016

Friday, December 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 September 2019

She was lost in love within the solace of her mind that brought her darkness in light from her being......touching concluding. A beautiful poem on love and inspiration has been astutely delineated by you dear Theodore, thank you very much.

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