Lost In Poetries Labyrinth Poem by Shaun Cronick

Lost In Poetries Labyrinth

Rating: 4.5

I was once lost in a poem,
So disorientated beyond belief.
A poem describing a labyrinth,
Trapped within its high massif.

Just a figurine in a maze,
A plaything of poetry gods.
My chance of ever escaping,
Was simply against the odds.

I must have walked eternities,
Forever turning left and right.
But never a thirst or hunger,
During every dark day and night.

Something was keeping me alive,
At that time I never knew.
I was enduring the unendurable,
Struggling to make a breakthrough.

I smelt it before I felt it,
A fragrant breeze just up ahead.
Around the corner cruelty displayed,
Footprints where I once tread.

I collapsed resigned to my fate,
Passed out my mind now astray.
I awoke with light all around me,
Shining through an open doorway.

My welcome passage back revealed,
To escape this web of complexity.
Perhaps a learning lesson of life,
Each captive soul is soon set free.

Friday, September 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Dominic Windram 19 September 2020

Very intriguing poem Shaun...a deeply disturbing, nightmarish vision that ends on a positive note. It's definitely a fascinating five from me!

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Soran M. H 18 September 2020

I must have walked eternities, Forever turning left and right. But never a thirst or hunger, During the dark days and nights.

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Lodigiana 18 September 2020

Hi Shaun, this is probably one of your best ever poems..descriptively pictorial and leading the reader on the journey with you..A really pensive piece Shaun and one I will return to read time and time again...Great work my friend! Stay well and safe and keep writing your ever welcome gems! Lodigiana x

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