Love Across Space & Time Poem by John Knight

Love Across Space & Time

Rating: 5.0

They never met and they never will.
They were born in different times
And in very different places.
From whence came their amazing bond of love?
Was it fate or was it fortune?
Both of them believed in Angels,
Both of them believed in another dimension,
They were both willing to reach out,
To reach out into ANGEL SPACE
And accept whatever and however it happened.

They never communicated by PHONE
Their communication was mainly telepathy
With a small amount of spasmodic
Electronic - messengering.
Not an electronic dialogue
Just leaving a thought - a prayer
A note of love and affection
And trusting it would be read
Trusting it would be understood
And in due time would be answered.

In real time they live in different
Time zones - cultures - environments
They were In effect to each other
Aliens - strangers - isolated.
What broke the barrier of Space?
What bridged the barrier of Time?
What strange ethereal force turned
Words to warmth - letters to love
Communication to consumation
Melting Space - Telescoping Time?

When I asked them - they had no answer
Except to say they knew reality had been bridged
Space eliminated - time frustrated
They knew they had really connected.
They were not frightened by this
Angelic experience because it increased awareness
Lifted their Spirits - lightened their hearts
Gave them a soul-mate who could be
There for them - with them - twenty-four / seven!
I for one am not sceptical of the wonder of their experience!

Patti Masterman 03 October 2009

Yes there is an old quote that says something like, to a savage, modern science would have to appear to be nothing short of a miracle, and this poems sums it up nicely (though child that I am, I can't stop believing in miracles either, lol)

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Philosophy of a DewyFlower 23 September 2009

highly developed Love! the Love Molecules soar everywhere even through the network... Love -across the ages- knows no bounds... you have perfectly described a new love kind of this age! ! !

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Beauty Philosophy 23 September 2009

A good description of a current experience of our modern world...This is the magic of technology in contracting space and time.

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John Knight

John Knight

Liverpool - UK
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