_ Love And Death_ Poem by Prabir Gayen

_ Love And Death_

Rating: 5.0

_ Love and death_

With baited breath uphold me,
Close to thine breast and press it,
A song of love will pour from me to thine,
We will flow with time and with same pain of living,
Life is a dream with no fulfilment,
Come and hold meonto thine arms,
My lazy being, sick of love.
In thine shrine my protection,
I seek thee in my empty hour,
Cherish thee in silent shower,
Thou art mine with no cover,
My inner symphony.
The song that was unheard though,
Now with grey light it flickers,
silhouette of my soul beyond soul,
Thou art my peerless pain.
In the rainy season of cloudy sloth,
and thunderstorms of passion,
Thou wink like a lightning in lone Proneness.
with the death of my wishes to live
and pain of memory of sunny days,
The song, the weeping note of being,
Will find solace to hush up pain excruciating,
Thrusting upon thy chest the counterfeit of mind.
Thy pain with love -laden heart may lessen the burden of pain on soul.
With warmth sensual Concourse the sky will withdraw,
the musical journey of life,
Theshadow of happy living.

_ Love And Death_
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Life and death
Ayan Mondal 29 May 2020

With baited breath uphold me, Close to thine breast and press it, A song of love will pour from me to thine, We will flow with time and with same pain of living, Life is a dream with no fulfilment, Come and hold meonto thine arms, My lazy being, sick of love

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Jazib Kamalvi 01 November 2018

A refined poetic imagination, Prabir. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Anil Kumar Panda 31 October 2018

A beautiful on love. Amazing outpouring of feelings. Thanks for sharing.

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Dave Walker 31 October 2018

If we are born then we have to die sad but true, it's what we do inbetween that counts. A great poem.

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