Love, Blood, Tears And Smiles Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Love, Blood, Tears And Smiles

Rating: 5.0

How painful it was to know that it weren't you,
And I mistook you for someone else,
My heart was crushed into so many pieces,
My love was for you not for anyone else.

I threw the beautiful bouquet on the floor,
Flowers fell on the broken pieces of my heart injured,
And I saw soft petals wiping blood of the pieces,
I saw the miracle how broken hearts are cured.

How red drops of blood are changed into tears,
Oh Love, your amazing powers and your conquest!
I was looking for her, who send me this bouquet,
She might not be beautiful like you, but was the best.

And when she met I was astonished to see,
No doubt in it she was more beautiful than you,
I read something in her deep speaking eyes,
She never spoke like you, still meaningful than you.

And what was her attracting beauty, she loved me,
I remember you I don't know you are where,
I don't know whether you remember me or not,
I don't remember her as she is with me here.

You gave me blood, she gave me the wiping tears,
The viscous tears that can join broken pieces of heart,
Have you ever seen when a broken heart smiles!
Difficult to decide who inspired me for my art!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Kumarmani Mahakul 27 March 2017

A romantic heart feels love amazingly at each moment.Emotion scribbles more life and life thinks to feel love. A broken heart still smiles in love. Although this is Difficult to decide who has inspired life for new art still broken heart smiles more due to existence of love. Excellent presentation! ...10

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Rajnish Manga 27 March 2017

This is an amazing presentation of the dilemma and the predicament of a romancing heart. How difficult it is to make a choice but the emotions offer a just solution. Thanks a lot.

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Bharati Nayak 26 February 2017

Have you ever seen when a broken heart smiles! - - - - - - - - - Yes, true love makes the broken heart smile.A wonderful write, thanks for sharing.

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Khalida Bano Ali 22 February 2017

A wonderful poem............................................................

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