Luna, Not The Moon Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Luna, Not The Moon

Luna, Not The Moon

Luna is a female cat from the neighbourhood
who drops in at our house
when she is doing her morning walk.

Where she lives is not nearby,
but that is our neighbourhood
big houses, big backyards great distances

Luna does not like
that other cats are in our backyard
so she possesses the whole backyard
and chases the cats away

when she was younger,
she just dropped in and wait,
with my help, to chase the cats away

now she has got more muscles,
she dares to chase away the cats on her own
and since a few days,
no more cats are coming into our backyard,
basking in the morning sun rays

Luna gets the backyard for her own,
making herself comfortably clean all the time
and most of the time she is sleeping
in one of the nooks of our backyard
she is most adorable!

Luna, Not The Moon
A recent picture of Luna is added here, most adorable! The female cat from our neighbourhood, not luna the moon
Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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