Making Music Together Poem by Randy McClave

Making Music Together

I played the harmonica
For my past love Veronica,
I played her a simple tune
That caused her to swoon.
Then where there was once guile,
It was then replaced by a beautiful smile.

I played the Acoustic guitar
For the lovely woman called Star,
I strummed her some romantic chords
Her grin equaled to many rewards.
Then she smiled and also cried,
Because, of her pride.

I played the mandolin
For my ex-wife Mandolin,
I played her a sweet, sweet song
Then we both finally got along.
We then forgot the errs of our past,
As we looked for the future to last.

I played the lovely violin
For the beautiful Gwen,
I played it so soft and sweet
The tune I then did repeat.
I played it until my arms grew tired,
I was appreciated and also admired.

I played the clarinet
For a beautiful woman named Brett,
I then started myself a band
With drumsticks in my hand.
And then with the piano playing of Heather,
We all made beautiful music together.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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