Man Cannot Read God's Biography Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Man Cannot Read God's Biography

Rating: 5.0

God lives in the various forms of showers
God lives in the fragrance of the flowers
God lives in Poetry God lives in prose
God lives in tunes the musicians compose
God lives in colors of a lovely painting
God lives even in a romantic dating
God lives in the flying coupling of a dove
God lives in the songs of peace and love
God lives in a delicious pleasing flavor
God lives in reflex actions as a savor
God lives in a network so nicely knitted
God lives in all that He ever created.

Man may mistrust all the amazing inks
That writes God in a colorful calligraphy
Could he think why and how he thinks!
Man cannot read His story or biography.

Man Cannot Read God's Biography
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: god
Khalida Bano Ali 10 December 2019

No body knows His Story, everyone writes and reads his own story.

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Dr Antony Theodore 01 March 2019

God and a human being......... we can only wonder at God. but innocently we can always pray to him and praise him....... a great poem indeed my dear Akhatar. thank u very very much. tony

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Dr Dillip K Swain 09 February 2019

The last line is the epitome of this insightful piece of work sir................10

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