From the first moment that the conception began, Joseph smiled and held her hand.
God had blessed them to carry his son, they were chosen from everyone.
Angels had came to let them know of this great event, and to them his child was sent.
She felt his spirit in her womb and there wasn't pain, morning sickness or cravings of any kind just the warmth of him inside.
He touched her stomach and the heat rose to his hand making him understand.
This was not just a child but GODS son who came to bless everyone.
The angel That came to see him that night was surrounded by a pure white light and told him that the virgin Mary would carry GODS son in this world of uncertainty where jews would one day be free.
He recalled the prophesy that one day a Messiah would come and his name would be spoken by everyone.
This thought had filled him up body and soul and to Mary this he told.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem